While kids sleep is when I get some of my most productive work done.
It's not always the fun stuff, most often times it's the work I don't actually want to do, but need to do to run a successful business. Would I rather be watching TV or reading... sometimes. But my "Why" has to be bigger than any excuse I could come up with. In this case, it is the desire to want more and to create a very different life for my family and a legacy and work ethic that ultimately I am so proud to pass down to my children.
I built my whole business through this pandemic when I was faced with needing to make money as most people were. It was uncomfortable and a situation I've been in many times for various reasons as an adult. But this was different. I had been building a career for years and then was faced with the business temporarily closing due to COVID. I was hurt and as a mother, I didn't have time to feel all of my feelings. I had time to come up with a game plan.
When all of this went down Sage was just an infant. She had just turned 8 months old. So on a professional level, I had been making many adjustments to myself, as I was no longer able to show up the way I desired, honestly to anything. Conferences and meetings I was attending I wasn't able to be as mentally present because I had my daughter and was multitasking my attention, and I wasn't able to take notes like I always did for the same reason. I found myself missing something and just unhappy and feeling guilty for feeling this way because I was so blessed to have a job and two healthy kids. But partially I felt this way because I was over tired as Sage was not a fan of sleep until the age of 2 and even still it's hit or miss. Being overtired puts you in a weird state of mind that's just not a healthy one on all levels.
During this pandemic, I have learned a lot about myself and what I want to be and become for my family but most importantly myself. I have big dreams and desires and as a mom, we always get put last. Our needs and desires come last and in lots of circumstances it's understandable... but why not ask for more? Ask more of yourself.
That's exactly what I did. It all started getting a taste of an at-home business when I joined my favorite makeup and skincare line (SeneGence) and started social selling... but that was not enough I still wanted more. (I've been doing this since 2017 and still do this! Why not share products you use and love and make a commission on it!) I wanted something that I could call my own. So, when presented at the point in the pandemic that I needed to figure out how to utilize my extra time for money-making activities so that my family could pay all of our bills, I started to think about my skills and what I was able to bring to the table and offer people.
Through my professional career, I had gained many skill sets and became an expert in many areas... and I'd always get asked about many things. So I created Ideal Brand + Business Services to fill in the gap and monetize on my experience. I have many clients I work with on an ongoing basis as well as clients that I do occasional work for. The mix of both has been great and I have been able to perfect my craft in so many ways. I have also been able to focus on doing more in less time. Challenging myself to maximize the time I do work so that I can prioritize my family and all of the moments I want to share with them.
A priority for me has always been to show up for my kids and family 1000%. I was never one to want to put my baby in daycare (nor could we afford it) but I always wanted to be "that mom" that did it all. It always felt out of reach until I allowed myself to want more than I had. To have a business that provided me with a creative outlet and an ongoing income and my family! I no longer needed to choose. I was able to have it all! Everything I ever wanted.
I am currently developing an online course that I will be launching this spring to be able to help more moms like myself that want to be more, to have more, and have big dreams, get it all! I want to show as many moms that creating their at-home business is the right choice and that they can still show up for their family's needs the way THEY want to!
Showing your kids that you have goals and are willing to work hard for them is an important lesson for them to learn. Even if that means working after the kids are in bed or while their napping.
Is it going to be hard? Of course! Anything worth having isn't just handed over. But... I am creating a community, a tribe of amazing mama's to come together for support through this process of gaining everything you've ever wanted!
I will help you every step to launch that at-home business and step into a new world where you can be a Mompreneur!
Are you ready? Be sure to subscribe and send it to a mama who needs this too!
Be sure to follow over on Social for tips and tricks to becoming a Mompreneur!