You're using "Busy" as a badge of honor when it comes to your business, but in reality, "busy" is keeping you from reaching your goals.

I understand why you're doing this... everyone and everything is telling us we have to work harder, do this, do that if we want to succeed.... the "Hustle" Culture is strong girlfriend.
We have a to-do list (one that's never-ending) that guides our daily behaviors. We are checking off items as fast as we can, yet left wondering why we aren't getting any closer to our goals, why our income isn't growing, why our team and business isn't growing, why NOTHING is growing, except maybe our anxiety, our overwhelm, our frustration and our resentment towards our business.
Now here's the problem with this... Most people operate their businesses from a to-do list, from an always busy mindset, but a to-do list just drives you to do what's in front of you... and do you know what's in front of you?? The URGENT, REACTIVE, AND LOW-VALUE TASKS.
Let's prove this...
who's ever written something on their to-do list, just to check it off?? I know I have so that I can see all that I have accomplished within the day.

BUT... how did that: taking the time to write that task down and then check it off; how did that move you closer to your goals??
It didn't it is LOW VALUE
Let me prove it again...
Go ahead, look at your to-do list right now... I'm going to bet that there are a TON of urgent, reactive, and low-value tasks starring back at you...
Post on social media
Respond to those customers, to that email.
Scroll social for ideas for posts.
Check your website.
Record a Reel.
Send an email.
And on and on and on...
Now, I'm not saying all of these tasks are low-value...
For example, posting on social media is an IPA (Intelligent Processes Automation) in your business BUT I'm going to just about guarantee that on your to-do list is to post on social TODAY=URGENT.
If content creation/batch creating/scheduling had been prioritized, then posting TODAY wouldn't be on your to-do list. Your post for today would have been scheduled last week or even a few weeks ago. The further out you start prioritizing tasks the more freedom you will get in your business and to enjoy all of the moments with your family.
The truth is, we avoid the activities that would drive our business forward, increase our income, and decrease our overwhelm and frustration because those things are HARD AND SCARY!
We get addicted to "BUSY" and "BUSY" is a form of self-sabotage and avoidance. BUSY = A business that is stagnant, unfulfilling, and overwhelming. You don't have to keep running your business and living your life this way though! There's hope on the other side of "Busy" sis!
Here's what you can do-
Work SMARTER, NOT HARDER. (This is a choice!)
Understand the metrics in your business.
Build your business like a MACHINE. (every task does not need you to do them personally in the motion!)
If you find yourself always "BUSY" but yet still remaining totally stagnant in your business, if your income and your business aren't growing, and you simply don't know what else to do or how to do different, then let's schedule a 1:1 business strategy session and figure out the best strategy for your business to move forward now, not 10 years from now!
I'll be sharing my proven method to ditch the “Hustle Culture” and become more focused, more effective, and more efficient so you can build a crazy successful business where you make more money than you thought possible while also being present for all of the moments and memories! (Yes, you can have both!) Or are you ready to redefine what building an online business looks like? (Think mid-day naps, afternoons at the pool, AND a paycheck that grows week over week!)
If you're ready to say YES to total transformation, I'll drop the link for you here:
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