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2023 Post-Pandemic Job Market Uncovered

Throughout the pandemic, many were laid off and many businesses closed. If we did not take a step back and learn that the job market was going to be different with different expectations post-pandemic we are already behind. Throughout this time many companies opened up new jobs and got stipends even from the government to hire during these rough times... but what the candidates saw is they were going to have to settle for a position that they were either overqualified for or just didn't like let alone love.

The workplace changed. Many people wanted to work from home especially those that once worked in an office. They were shown that there was a better way to live and work and have a different type of balance between the two. The companies that really thrived throughout this time and continue to are the ones that embrace these changes and expectations wherever possible. Many people moved to lower-cost cities or states and were still able to work because everything was now remote (myself included). But in 2023 do we see the same flexibility we once did from these companies that were so flexible in the previous years? Or have they decided that it's time to go back to the office setting? Are the company's expectations too high for what the workforce is looking to do? And if both parties are unhappy what exactly is the breaking point?

If you haven't been part of the many many layoffs you might have quit due to being mistreated or lack of respect or even the changes of expectations that were not reviewed and decided that your mental health matters. Between getting fired, quitting, and quiet-quitting, lots of people are looking for their next role. In 2022 15.4 million layoffs happened and about 40% of Americans have been laid off or terminated from a job due to layoffs. 61% of business leaders say their organizations will likely have layoffs in 2023. 57% of business leaders who say layoffs are likely to estimate 30% or more of their workforce will be laid off in 2023. 70% of companies are likely to implement a hiring freeze in 2023. Overall, the job market is likely to slow down in 2023 as compared to the historically low unemployment rates of 2022. This is considered a return to normal economic conditions. However, new jobs will be created, and there will be opportunities for diligent job seekers to find work. But with so many ads that are either misleading, fake, or inaccurate we are seeing more and more candidates searching for something different altogether as they are being told that they are either overqualified, underqualified or they just don't hear back at all. Imagine if you spent 3 hours a day (if you are unemployed you can spare 3 hours or even more! If you are still in your 9-5 and want to get out think about the weekends... there is always time to spare for the things you WANT to do! Just prioritize it.) to build your own business. To turn your passion into a business that turns profits! Imagine if you started this business today and it may be going slow as you create new habits and learn to be your own boss. But then BOOM, it turns into a multi-billion-dollar company. Not only would you be able to pay your bills, but you would be able to be your own boss and live your life the way you see fit. Travel when you want to, take meetings when and if you want to... you get to decide. The idea I want you to walk away with... is even if you're unemployed or even currently employed, don't wait to start to live out your life and love what you do every day. Tomorrow is not promised and your happiness, well-being, and mental health all matter! You do not want to wake up one day and realized you never took the chance and you are still stuck in your dead-end job doing the same thing 40 years from now! Here is my best tip for you when becoming your own boss... Are you ready? Be sure to write this down!

"It is a lot easier to be an employee than a boss. When you become your own boss be the best employee for your business. Build a schedule and be sure to stick to it."

Don't stop learning and get around amazing coaches that will help you navigate through this new season of your life. Be sure to follow me on social for all of my tips and tricks on how to work smarter, not harder, and turn your passion into profit this year!

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