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A Year in Review

Ideal Brand + Business Services is finishing its first year in business! We have learned a lot, we have grown, and we are just getting started!

While this business was founded to fill a need in the marketplace, it has turned into a passion of a few different things: the ability to help small to medium-sized businesses with services that either they just don't have time to do themselves or are just not any good at it and the combination of creativity and innovation.

Ideal Brand + Business Services started with creating branding for clients and then moved into full-time services and is planning on online courses in the new year. Teaching other entrepreneurs and business owners to take their business to the next level. To ultimately work smarter not harder, utilizing online resources such as social platforms even without a large following to allow goals to be met no matter how big or small.

We see how much of a necessity our business is, and being able to be affordable for every company no matter what their needs are is a goal of ours. We want to be in every companies reach, no matter how big we end up growing. Keeping this one thing in mind is driving all of our company decisions into the new year and allowing us to grow the way we are wanting to all while helping other companies grow as well.

It all started with an idea, and because I (Miriam) decided to put action behind just a good idea, we have now made it to this amazing spot!

 Be brave enough to go after your dreams, making your ideas become a reality. Put some hard work and dedication behind it and be amazing where you will be a year later! I know I am today! 

I am excited to see where we land at this point next year. I want to thank all of our clients, followers, supporters, and even the watchers and the naysayers. We would not be here without each of you!

Be sure to subscribe and follow our social to be up to speed and continue this journey with us! We have a lot of amazing things planned this coming year!!!

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